Video Art Miden collaborates with ToPikap in Thessaloniki, presenting the video art pogram “Frozen“, curated by Gioula and Olga Papadopoulou, on Saturday, February 4, 2023. Exhibition space and screening hours: To Pikap Kato (57, Olympou str, Thessaloniki), 18:00-23:00.

Weird things happen and nothing is as it seems. The world(s) seem frozen in another space and time, in multiple parallel realities. Is it the calmness before destruction? Or is it the stillness that follows it, before a new beginning?

Video Art Miden presents the video art program “Frozen”, with works by 11 artists from 10 countries (Italy, Spain, France, Brasil, UK, Germany, Thailand, Armenia, Israel και Greece), selected by Gioula and Olga Papadopoulou. Weird personal worlds, surreal narratives and small (or bigger) dystopias arising from disturbing details, unexpected situations and twists, compose a symbolic micrograph of our world and our time, reminding us that everything is under an undefinable threat, on the verge of explosion and on the brink of a disaster creeping in from many different directions. The works compose a universe that oscillates between Kafkaesque entrapment, Orwellian control and sci-fi dystopias, while at the same time, somewhere between shaking walls and collapsing systems, the reassuring expression “it’s OK”, which appears in Ubu Kung’s work (Touchstone No.1), increases the sense of restlessness.

Yiorgos Drosos, The boss’s chair, Greece 2013, 1.05

Antonello Matarazzo, BUG, Italy 2019, 6.40

Francisco Jose Fargas, La Femme Cerf (The deer woman), Spain 2018, 7.52

Sandrine Deumier, Realness – Cloud and Dust, France 2018, 8.00

Javier Galan Rico, El Cobertizo, Spain 2019, 1.00

Sávio Leite, lacrimosa, Brazil 2019, 3.00

Ubu Kung, Touchstone No.1, UK and UAE 2019, 3.08

Beatrice Schuett Moumdjian, Documentation Report (No. 0617 – 0918), Germany/Bulgaria 2019, 4.50

Methas Chantawongs, Interference, Thailand 2016, 7.51

Anna Grigorian, Unsettled, Armenia/Canada 2018, 7.18

Shahar Marcus, El-Rujm, Israel 2019, 9.40


Program duration: 1 hour (will be screened in a loop).

More info (synopsis of the works and artists’ bios) for “Frozen” can be found here 

Info: To Pikap Kato &