Video Art Festival Miden presents at TWIXTlab, Athens, two screening programs with video-works selected from the festival’s archive, curated by Gioula Papadopoulou & Margarita Stavraki. The programs were initially presented in the frame of Re- culture III: RISK, Patras, in 2014.

Participant artists: Feargal Cunningham, Renata Ferraz, Mark Nieuwenhuis & Hugo Meijer, Paul Taylor, Miloushka Bokma, Christina Gangos, Samantha Dillehay, Greta Alfaro, Jan Brand, Boris Eldagsen, Chi-Yu Liao, Muhammad Taymour & Nouran Sherif, Adam Forrester, Miguel Andrés, Maria Kosmadaki

Date: March 5, 2016, 19h
Address: TWIXTlab, Empedokleous 19, Pangrati (Varnava square), Athens
Total duration: 77 min

Download Press Release and full list of works here