Video Art Festival Miden invites all video artists and video creators to submit their videos for Festival Miden’s forthcoming events & collaborations.

The festival call is open to every creator (individuals, groups or organizations) of any nationality and background.

There is no entry fee.

Deadline: April 10, 2016

You may find the entry rules and entry form here.

On this occasion, we would like to inform all our friends & collaborating artists that, starting from this year, Festival Miden alters its form and function: instead of organising the usual 3day event in Kalamata every July, the festival will organise (or co-organise) a series of screening events throughout the year in Kalamata, Athens and internationally, aiming to broaden a network of collaborations with other organisations, festivals and art spaces around the world. We hope that this new start will be even more creative and inspiring for us all!